The third ENPA Biennial Conference “Anthropologies and Psychologies in Inter/Action – Engaging Interdisciplinary Perspectives” will take place 11-13 June 2025 at the Schloss, University of Münster, Germany.

Preceding the conference, the Writing (Co-)Lab: ENPA Pre-Conference Workshop for Graduate Students and Early Career Scholars is sheduled for 10 June.
This year’s theme explores the emerging intersections of psychological anthropologies and anthropological psychologies, fostering dialogue on the potential of interdisciplinary collaboration. We seek contributions from anthropologists, psychologists, and scholars from related disciplines who wish to present their research, share reflections, and imagine future collaborations at the crossroads of these fields.
Conference Focus
We aim to catalyze innovations in interdisciplinary engagements, particularly regarding: Methodological, theoretical, and conceptual reflections / Challenges to universalizing theories and interventions in the face of power asymmetries and critical epistemologies / Decolonizing and diversifying research methods, infrastructures, and curricula / Retrospective, current, and forward-looking perspectives on interdisciplinary work in academic and non-academic contexts.
Through this conference, we seek to create constructive dialogues that propose new frameworks for research, practice, and application in areas such as policy-making, therapy, healing, education, care, and resistance.
Call for Contributions
We warmly welcome submissions for panels, papers, roundtables, and labs that engage with these themes. We are particularly interested in interdisciplinary and experimental formats, including cross-media, film-based research, and public-facing projects. Formats can be either fully online or fully in-house but cannot combine both within the same session.
Submission Deadline Extended: 21 February 2025.
Please send your submissions to:
For detailed guidelines, please see sections:
Registration will open soon. In-person conference fees include warm lunch meals, snacks, coffee and tea. Prices are estimated at 90 euros for fully employed, 50 euros for not fully employed. Online participation will be around 30 Euros.
If you have any further questions regarding the conference, please do not hesitate to contact us at