Conference Programme


All times are Helsinki time (EEST/GMT+3)

DAY 1: Tuesday, 1 June

11:00-11:30Welcome address
Anni Kajanus & Thomas Stodulka
11:30-12:30Keynote: Tyyne Claudia Pollmann 
Lunch break
Junior scholars mixer
13:30-15:30Panels 11) Home: Well-being and becoming
2) Learning and developmental processes in contexts of diversity and inequality
3) Technology, body & senses
15:30-16:00Coffee break 
Movie screening
“The healer and the psychiatrist”
Introduction: Edward Lowe
Q&A with Director Mike Poltorak

DAY 2: Wednesday, 2 June

10:00-11:00Session on Publishing:
Greg Downey
11:00-11:45Keynote: Charles Stafford 
11:45-13:00Lunch break 
13:00-15:00Panels 2 1) Feeding and the formation of social relationships in childhood
2) The production of social norms: discipline strategies, agency and asymmetries in children’s education 
3) Mental health & therapeutic encounters
15:00-15:30Coffee break 
15:30-17:30Panels 3 1) Sensing and knowing: relational modes of engagement
2) Cognition, mind & Body
3) Covid-19 Open Mic Session

DAY 3: Thursday, 3 June

10:00-12:00Panels 4 1) Creating safer spaces: navigating the impacts of sexualized violence in academic settings
2) Anthropological insights into searches for meaning across the life course 
3) Theoretical and methodological investigations of the interplay between culture and cognition
12:00-13:00Lunch break 
13:00-15:00Panels 5 1) Student panel
2) Marginalized perspectives on mental health and suffering
3) Coherence and anthropological knowledge
15:00-15:30Coffee break 
15:30-17:30Panels 6 1) Predatory psychologies east and west
2) Development of children’s understanding of social roles and norms in comparative perspective
3) Neoliberalism and mental health
18:00-Official closing & partyExclusive ENPA2021 compilation by
Throughout the conference: short films (see list of abstracts for more info)