Agita Lūse » Members’ Directory

Agita Lūse

Assistant Professor /Acting Researcher Riga Stradiņš UniversityMSc program in Social Anthropology, Faculty of Communication
Room B-112 Baložu iela 14 Rigas Stradiņš University Riga Latvia LV-1048 Work Phone: +371 26710721
Photo of Agita Lūse

Biographical Info

Agita Lūse holds a Ph.D. from University of Bristol and specializes in medical and psychiatric anthropology. She has conducted research on such topics as westernization of Latvian psychiatry, patient advocacy organizations, the social aspects of psycho-social ill health and disability as well as popular genealogical practices and history of ideas. Among her publications are more than 50 scholarly papers. Agita has been teaching, among others, MSc-level courses “Disability: representations, experience, and public policy” and “Understanding madness”.

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