Florin Cristea » Members’ Directory

Florin Cristea

PhD candidate, Student Assistant Freie Universität BerlinDepartment of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Landoltweg 9-11 Raum 015 Berlin Germany 14195
Photo of Florin Cristea

Biographical Info


Florin Cristea is a PhD candidate at the Insitute of Social and Cultural Anthropology at Freie Universität Berlin. His current research combines methods and epistemologies stemming from psychological and medical anthropology and focuses on the emotional dimension of mental illnesses. In his previous work he surveyed diagnostic uncertainty and clinical experience. He has conducted a six-month research in a psycho-social reintegration center in Romania, and a three-month research in a mental hospital in Tanga, Tanzania. He is a member of the working group Psychological Anthropology of the German Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology.

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