Irina Savu-Cristea » Members’ Directory

Irina Savu-Cristea

PhD candidate Freie Universität BerlinInstitute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Work Phone: +49 (0) 176 6565 7546 | +40 (0) 740 074 651
Photo of Irina Savu-Cristea

Biographical Info



Irina Savu-Cristea is a PhD candidate in Anthropology, focusing on emotions and self-making practices among girls in a holistic school in Bali. She discovered anthropology “at home”, in Romania, where she graduated an Anthropology MA at SNSPA Bucharest. Since then, she completed the MA Research Training Program in Social Sciences at Humboldt University Berlin and became interested in developing collaborative research methods. Her projects revolve around life choices and emotions of high-school girls, while integrating social, cognitive and psychological anthropologies.

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