Joanna Cook » Members’ Directory

Joanna Cook

Professor of Anthropology, Convenor, MSc Medical Anthropology UCL
14 Taviton Street, Department of Anthropology London WC1H 0BW Work Phone: 020 7679 8643 Website:
Photo of Joanna Cook

Biographical Info


Joanna‘s research focuses on the ways in which subjectivity and ethical values inform changing understandings of health, wellbeing, political process and community organisation, and she is developing a new research agenda focusing on joy. Joanna is the author of Meditation in Modern Buddhism: Renunciation and change in Thai monastic life (2010) and Making a Mindful Nation: Mental health and governance in the 21st century (2023). She is the coeditor of An Anthropology of Intellectual Exchange (2023), Mindfulness and Culture (2022), Unsettling Anthropologies of Care (2020), The State We’re In: Reflecting on Democracy’s Troubles (2016), Detachment: Essays on the limits of relational thinking (2015) and Southeast Asian Perspectives on Power (2012).

Categories: ENPA members directory
Updated 3 months ago.