Mayssa Rekhis » Members’ Directory

Mayssa Rekhis

Ph.D. Candidate School for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS) – Paris and Linköping UniversityPhoenix Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Program
Work Phone: France: +33 (0) 618 407 529, Sweden: +46 (0) 720 032 036
Photo of Mayssa Rekhis

Biographical Info




After graduating as a Medical Doctor, and working in the Non-Governmental sector, Mayssa received the Phoenix Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate program fellowship in 2016, and started a Ph.D. in the School for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS) in Paris and in Linköping University in Sweden. Her Ph.D. is situated in between psychological and medical anthropology, exploring the experiences, discourses and practices related to trauma and trauma-therapies in relation to forced migration and exile, in Stockholm. Her research interests encompass trauma, suffering, psychotherapies, and processes of subjectivation.

For ENPA, Mayssa is a Junior Faculty representative.

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