Public Lecture Series: Hope, Disquiet, Loss. Affective Encounters in More-Than-Human Worlds, Summer Term 2019, Freie Universität Berlin

Public Lecture Series: Hope, Disquiet, Loss. Affective Encounters in More-Than-Human Worlds

Diagnoses of destruction and loss abound, and increasingly people are at loss about what to do and how to move forward in view of their entanglements in destructive ways of living. This lecture series brings together scholarship situated between psychological anthropology and affect studies, multispecies anthropology and the environmental humanities. It aims at opening up and exploring the political and affective spaces between pervasive dystopias, diagnoses of environmental loss and persistent hopes in betterment. Should we hope things are not as bad as scientists tell us? Do we radically have to re-think how we engage the world around us? Does this call for becoming posthuman or post-specieist? In how far do such proposals enact desirable or risky politics? The lectures tackle such questions from a variety of anthropological perspectives and ethnographic contexts.
Organized by Sandra Calkins and Thomas Stodulka.  

Place: Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, Seminarraum 14, Landoltweg 9-11, 14195 Berlin

Time: Summer term 2019: Tuesdays, 16:15 –18:00

14.05.2019  Minna Ruckenstein, University of Helsinki “The Agency of Drugs: Big Data, Antidepressant and Life Effects”   

21.5.2019  Uli Beisel, Universität Bayreuth “Disappearance, Invasion and Mutation: Trajectories of Insect Knowledge, Control and Loss in West Africa and Germany”   

28.5.2019  Filippo Bertoni, Naturkunde Museum Berlin “Soiling Mars: Earthworms and Dreams of Technoscientific Planetary Agricultures“   

11.06.2018  Edward Lowe, SOKA University of America “Mobile Affects and Emotional Performance in Resilient Micronesian Lifeworlds: the Example of ààmwààm Ceremonies in Chuuk Lagoon”   

25.6.2019  Sara Asu Schroer, Universityof Aberdeen “Vulture Worlds: Loss and Hope in Toxic Ecologies“ 

09.07.2019  Kelvin Low & Noorman Abdullah, National University Singapore “Senses as Mobile Actants: Sketching Conceptual and Comparative Possibilities

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