Category: Blog
No Punishment, Fairness, and Autonomy: Key Values for a Good Life in Finland
PhD candidate Mãdãlina Alamã considers the findings and implications of a recently published article that she first encountered at an ENPA Works in Progress Seminar.
An Interview With… Suzana Jovičić
Here comes another post in our ‘An Interview With…’ series. ENPA Convenor, Suzana Jovičić offers her amusing reflections.
An Interview With… Anni Kajanus
In our third post in the “An Interview With..” series, we continue to introduce the ENPA team – it’s time to meet ENPA convenor, Anni Kajanus.
Exploring Ritual – Funeral for a Friend
In this blog post, Jane McNulty reflects on the ritual experience of attending the funeral of someone who she had been close to in her youth. Her ethnographic description evokes cultural aspects of the community in Northern England and her…
Politics of the Intimate
What are emotions? What’s their role in relationships, in society? And what do they mean for the individual? Or rather, what is it to feel? And, what’s love got to do with it?
An Interview With… Maija Sequeira
In our second post in the “An Interview With..” series, we introduce one of our blog team members – and PhD student – Maija Sequeira.