Category: News
ENPA prize for a remarkable published paper in 2023
Dear Colleagues, The European Network for Psychological Anthropology (ENPA) is inviting nominations for the annual ENPA Prize for a published paper in psychological anthropology. The prize committee will be looking to highlight an article of special significance in its field,…
WiPS. Learning to Live with Ghosts: Somatic Activism and the Nanopolitics of Cultural Repair, Mahé Ben Hamed, 30 May
Thursday, 30th of May from 5 to 7 pm CET via Zoom. “Learning to Live with Ghosts”: Somatic Activism and the Nanopolitics of Cultural Repair by Mahé Ben Hamed from PACTE Social Science Lab and the French National Center for Scientific Researc This…
Embracing digital tools: Reflections on marketing a research project online
In this post, ENPA board member Ildze Jakunova shares her experiences using digital technologies, such as social media, graphic design, and AI tools, to promote her doctoral research project and the fieldwork process online.
WiPS. Guardians of Science: validation and institutionalization of parallel psychology fields in contemporary Iran, Zahra Abbasi, 25 April
Thursday, 25th of April from 5 to 7 pm CET via Zoom. “Guardians of Science: validation and institutionalization of parallel psychology fields in contemporary Iran” by Zahra Abbasi, University of Oslo This work delves into the widespread notion of elm or science, and elmi or…
Applications for ENPA convenorship, 2024-2028
The European Network for Psychological Anthropology (ENPA) is inviting applications for an ENPA convenorship, 2024 – 2028. The selected convenor will succeed Dr. Anni Kajanus (University of Helsinki) and work alongside Dr. Suzana Jovičić (University of Vienna), Dr. John Loewenthal (Keele…
WiPS: “Silence is not surrender”. Soft power and self-crafting among Balinese women, Irina Savu Cristea, 21 March
Thursday, the 21st March from 5 to 7 pm CET via Zoom. “Silence is not surrender”. Soft power and self-crafting among Balinese women by Irina Savu Cristea, Freie Universität Berlin The construction of self among the participants in my research revolves around the image of…