ENPA Work in Progress Seminar (WiPS)

The ENPA Works-in-Progress Seminar (WiPS), launched by ENPA in October 2021, and run by Nadia Augustyniak, Mona Behnke, Mayssa Rekhis, and Lavinia Țânculescu-Popa on the steering committee, is a forum in which faculty, researchers and postgraduate students present works in progress, receive feedback, and exchange ideas about research in psychological anthropology and allied fields. We meet on a Thursday of each month from 5 to 7 pm CET.

Each seminar meeting features one or more presentations of work in progress. The presentation format is flexible and open-ended; each seminar includes ample time for discussion, offering a stimulating, collaborative space to foster discussions in psychological anthropology. 

Scholars and students at all levels interested in psychological anthropology are welcome to attend, and no advance registration is required. 

To receive announcements and Zoom links for upcoming meetings, please join our mailing list: https://forms.gle/t2MgUtQzqyk9Ni2w9

For more information on WiPS or to enquire about presenting your work at a future seminar, write to: wips@enpanthro.net.

Sessions 2024-25:

Date of the seminarPresenterTitle of the presentation
Thursday, 31st October 2024, 5pm CETKathrin Bauer,
Free University
“Socializing ADHD: Indispensable Peers and Other Key Figures”
Thursday, 28th November 2024, 5pm CETMaria Nolan, 
SOAS University of London 
“Falling through the cracks? Cultural barriers and the underutilisation of mental health services among Chinese international students in the UK”
Thursday, 19th December 2024, 5pm CETPiyush Pushkar,
University of Manchester 
“Shame, violence and the stigma machine: Reckoning with the ethics of forensic psychiatry”
Thursday, 30th January 2025, 5pm CETJeannine-Madeleine Fischer,
University of Konstanz
“On furious solidarity: the shaping of activist affects”
Thursday, 27th February 2025, 5pm CETSujit Thomas,
New York University
“”Failure is an Asset”: Accumulating Virtue and Value in Contemporary Psychedelic Medicine”
Thursday, 27th March 2025, 5pm CET |Nikolas Fascendini,
Clinica Santa Croce Orselina, Canton Ticino
“Schizophrenic Delusional Experiences and the Sacred: A Qualitative Inquiry”
Thursday, 24th April 2025, 5pm CETPanos Tsitsanoudis,
Free University Berlin
“Under the pressure of the psychic drive: Negotiatiang affects, intimacies and femicide in Greece”
Thursday, 29th May, 5pm CET Jaya Mathur, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi“Betwixt & Between Medical Expertise: Exploring Networked Lives of ADHD/ADD in India”

Previous sessions can be viewed here.