Thursday, the 21st March from 5 to 7 pm CET via Zoom.
“Silence is not surrender”. Soft power and self-crafting among Balinese women
by Irina Savu Cristea, Freie Universität Berlin

The construction of self among the participants in my research revolves around the image of “the strong Balinese woman”, which is both an ideal and a costly requirement, much as the crafting of everyday banten (Balinese offerings). This image implies, among others, high emotion work to maintain “harmonious” relationships, and a general patient, non-confrontive attitude (diam). To be strong is to be/remain calm, to endure, not complain, and keep smiling. Still, many women unveil a subversive potential of this ascription of womanhood, as they turn their socially accepted/required silent endurance into strategies to assert different levels of power within their communities. Their power does not emerge from direct confrontation or vocal protests, but from high (emotional) flexibility and adaptability, along with subtle and creative practices that help them navigate the socially ascribed definitions, towards a life they can feel happier with, and a self they can be proud of.
The ENPA Works-in-Progress Seminar is a venue for researchers, faculty and postgraduate students to present ongoing work, receive feedback and share ideas about their research in psychological anthropology and allied fields.
The seminar meets monthly via Zoom.
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