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Photo of Kathrin Bauer
Kathrin Bauer
Research Associate Freie Universität BerlinInstitute for Social and Cultural Anthropology


Kathrin Bauer is a research associate and doctoral candidate at the Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology at Freie Universität Berlin. Her Ph.D. project examines attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in different Colombian communities to highlight the sociocultural embeddedness of the phenomenon. Among her research interests are neurodiversity, mental health, emotion regulation and neuroanthropology.

Photo of Julia Nina Baumann
Julia Nina Baumann
PhD Candidate Freie Universität Berlin – Institut für Sozial- und KulturanthropologieSocial and Cultural Anthropology


Julia Nina Baumann is a PhD candidate at Freie Universität Berlin. She studied in Munich, Augsburg and Berlin and is currently working on her dissertation project on emotional experiences of ethnographers in academic institutions at Freie Universität Berlin. She is founded by Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. Her research focus is on affect/emotion, public and activist/engaged anthropology, anthropology of work, mental health/wellbeing and refugeeness/migration. In her last research projects, she investigated exclusion and coping strategies of refugees in rural East Germany and Israel. Julia is also part of the DGSKA (AG Public anthropology) and ENPA-Junior-Faculty.

Photo of Colette Berbesque
Colette Berbesque
Centre for Research in Evolutionary, Social and Inter-Disciplinary AnthropologyDepartment of Life Sciences, University of Roehampton


Colette Berbesque is an evolutionary anthropologist with particular research interests in human ecology, the evolution of the hominin diet, and the evolution of cooperation, prestige, and hierarchy. For more than a decade, her research has included fieldwork with the Hadza of Tanzania, one of the last extant hunter-gatherer populations. Through analysis of behavioural data from the Hadza as well as from other hunter-gatherer groups, she investigates aspects of human evolution, including: strategies of food procurement and provisioning, cooperation, reputation, and sexual selection and gender.

Photo of Lidewyde Berckmoes
Lidewyde Berckmoes
Associate professor Leiden UniversityAfrican Studies Centre Leiden


Dr. Lidewyde Berckmoes trained as a social and cultural anthropologist (MA/PhD) and has worked in interdisciplinary research teams in the context of conflict, health and migration. In her research, she explores questions about legacies of violence, trauma and resilience, and child/youth agency and caregiving, focusing on the African Great Lakes region. Currently, as an associate professor and senior researcher at the African Studies Centre Leiden, she investigates the long-term consequences of conflict on psychosocial well-being and care through intergenerational perspectives. Her research interests include: young people studies, intergenerational transmission of trauma, conflict legacies, African Great Lakes region, war and peace.

Photo of Aleksander V. Berezkin
Aleksander V. Berezkin
PhD Student California Institute of Integral StudiesProgram in East-West Psychology


Aleksander Berezkin is a doctoral researcher at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Their Ph.D project titled “Embodied Experiences of Intersex/VSC Forced and Voluntary Migrants in the United States: A Micro-Phenomenological Study Grounded in the Enactive Approach and Depth Psychology” explores the intersection of consciousness, embodiment, and intersex migration. Among their research interests are embodied cognition (4E), repetitive dreams of immigrants, and critical intersex studies in micro-phenomenology and neuroanthropology contexts. Their website is



Photo of Giuseppe Bolotta
Giuseppe Bolotta
Contract Professor of Cultural Anthropology, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy) & Research Associate, Asia Research Institute’s Religion and Globalisation Cluster, National University of Singapore

Giuseppe Bolotta is a socio-cultural anthropologist and psychologist. He has conducted research in Thailand and Sierra Leone on marginalised childhoods, (religious) NGOs, and the cultural politics of child-focused humanitarianism. He is currently Contract Professor of Cultural Anthropology at the University of Milano-Bicocca’s Department of Sociology and Social Research and Research Associate of the National University of Singapore’s Asia Research Institute.