Hannelore Van Bavel is a PhD Candidate in Social Anthropology at SOAS University of London (submission September 2020). She holds an MSc in Sociology and an MA in Gender and Diversity studies. Her doctoral project examines the politics of the production and travel of knowledge and policies related to ‘female genital mutilation’. She is also interested in the affective dimensions of ethnographic knowledge construction, an interest that arose from her own experience of conducting fieldwork while coping with traumatic loss.
Eva van Roekel is Assistant Professor in Social and Cultural Anthropology at VU Amsterdam. For more than a decade she has worked and lived in Latin America. Her areas of interest are violence, trauma, emotion and visual anthropology. Her current research project is about military subjectivities and changing warfare. Besides her scholarly publications she makes documentaries and writes short stories. More of her work can be found at: http://www.dokumento.org
Steve Vilhem is working as a Child & Adolescent psychiatrist in the University Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (SUPEA) in Lausanne, Switzerland. He studied medicine (MD), anthropology (MA) and public health (MPH) at the University of Bordeaux and psychology (MA) at Paris Descartes University. He currently specializes in transcultural psychiatry. PhD Student at the Institute of Humanities in Medicine (IHM) of the Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) since 2020, his current research activities focus on anorexia nervosa in Cambodia.
Anita von Poser is a Professor of Psychological Anthropology with a specific focus on “Migration, Psyche, Aging” at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin. She is also Principal Investigator of an anthropological-psychiatric project within the Berlin-based Collaborative Research Center 1171 “Affective Societies”. Her major interests pertain to the fields of psychological anthropology and phenomenological anthropology, the anthropology of aging, care, belonging, and im-/mobility, and the anthropology of social relationships and foodways. She has conducted long-term ethnographic research both in rural and urban lifeworlds of Papua New Guinea as well as entangled spaces of Berlin and Vietnam. Her single- and co-authored publications include Foodways and Empathy (Berghahn 2013), Care as Process (Ethics and Social Welfare 2017), and The Power of Shared Embodiment (Culture, Medicine, Psychiatry 2020).
Editor of the Book Series EmotionCultures (together with Birgitt Röttger-Rössler) https://www.transcript-verlag.de/reihen/ethnologie-und-kulturanthropologie/emotionskulturen-emotioncultures/?f=12320
Julia Vorhölter holds a PhD in anthropology from Göttingen University where she works as a lecturer and post-doc researcher at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology. Her regional focus is Sub-Sahara Africa, especially Uganda, where she has been carrying out fieldwork both for her PhD and her current post-doc project. Thematically, her more recent work is located in the field of psychiatric/psychological anthropology and focuses on changing discourses on mental health/illness and new psychotherapeutic practices in the Global South.