Thursday, the 22nd February from 5 to 7 pm CET via Zoom.
“Conflict, Co-Regulation and Congruence: Sociocultural Influences on ADHD”
by Kathrin Bauer, Freie Universität Berlin
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common diagnoses given to children in “the West” and in urban centers around the world. My research shows that ADHD – at least as defined in diagnostic manuals – is almost inexistent in several Colombian rural communities. In my presentation, I will share three concepts relevant to understand this difference. 1) Congruence: ADHD can be framed as an incongruence between children’s behaviour and expectations towards children (and thus between socialization practices and goals?). Moreover, cultural differences in perceived congruence and attitudes towards it might contribute to the development of ADHD. 2) Co-Regulation: While the biomedical model of ADHD focuses on (impaired) self-regulation, I highlight the role of co-regulation both as a resource on which children can rely and as an integral element in the development of self-regulation. 3) Conflict: The ways conflicts are appraised and approached in communities are meaningful in regards to ADHD.
The ENPA Works-in-Progress Seminar is a venue for researchers, faculty and postgraduate students to present ongoing work, receive feedback and share ideas about their research in psychological anthropology and allied fields.
The seminar meets monthly via Zoom.
To join ENPA WiPS and receive the link for the seminar, please register here.
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