Lavinia Ţânculescu-Popa is a Lecturer in Hyperion University, Psychology Department, as well as an Associate Lecturer in National University of Administrative and Political Studies, Bucharest, Romania. She worked with organizations in Romania and abroad for more than 19 years, out of which 10 years as part of the two of the world’s four largest audit and consulting companies’ teams (PricewaterhouseCoopers and Deloitte Consulting). She holds a PhD in Psychology and a MA in Cultural Studies and Anthropology. She is a certified Jungian Analyst and Supervisor in Jungian Psychotherapy, as well as an ICF Accredited Coach, working both with individuals and groups, in business and personal coaching. Her research interests are in the field of emotions and behaviors (in general, and in organizations, in particular) as well as in personality in its broader sense and its importance in sleep, rest, developing potential and genders’ roles.
For ENPA, Lavinia is the person in charge with the Members Directory.
Sujit Thomas is a PhD Candidate at the Department of Anthropology at New York University. His doctoral dissertation The Open Brain: Repair and Enhancement in the Age of Plasticity is an ethnography of neuroscientists, psychiatrists and amateur “brain-hackers” in New York City, London and Oxford. It focuses on the revival of marginalised cybernetic and psychedelic paradigms in the brain sciences and its implications for our understanding of human consciousness and mental disorders.”
Paola Tiné is a Research Fellow at the University of Adelaide (South Australia). Her doctoral work was in ethnopsychological study of the emic notion of ‘mutual understanding’ in domestic settings among an emerging middle class in the Nepali city of Bhaktapur. Building upon fifteen months of ethnographic fieldwork research in 2018-2019, it asks the question of how Newar middle-class people are revising domestic relations and moralities in the pursuit of well-being and how household members conceive of domestic duties and ultimately build their sense of moral selves through a redefinition of the Hindu concept of dharma. Dr. Tine’s current research focuses on the use of participant drawing to explore emotional states, particularly in contexts of distress
Lau Ting Hui is a psychological and medical anthropologist at the National University of Singapore. Her research focuses on cultural loss and endurance among Indigenous communities in China and Southeast Asia.
Keywords: Mental health, Indigeneity, colonialism
Dr. Toma studied medicine at UMF “Carol Davila” and then, he approached anthropology, graduating from a masters degree in the field. He obtained his Ph.D. in Psychiatry. In 2000, he initiated a research program in Medical Anthropology in IAFR and has developed numerous research projects in the field of “Medical Humanities” – a field of boundary that combines concepts and methods from medical anthropology and history of medicine. He is currently collaborating with Dr. Sabina Stan, from Dublin City University, in a project on cross-border migration and medical tourism in the European Union.
Maria Costanza Trento is a Psychologist, Pedagogist, and PhD candidate in Health Promotion and Cognitive Sciences at the University of Palermo’s SPPF Department. While her earlier research focused on changes in family role perception, her current work lies at the intersection of anthropology and psychology. She specializes in examining specific mental disorders from a cultural perspective, seeking to deepen our understanding of how cultural factors influence mental health.
Panos Tsitsanoudis (he/him), holds a degree in Psychology (BA) from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and a Master’s degree (MA) in Gender studies, from the Department of Social Anthropology and History of the University of Aegean, in Lesvos, Greece. His research areas and methods are varying between psychoanalysis, affect theory, critical psychology and social anthropology. At the moment, he is pursuing his PhD research, working in the intersections of intimacy, (hetero)sexuality, femicidal violence and gendered death, from a critical psychological anthropological perspective.
Tamara Turner is a music anthropologist, specializing in North African popular Islam, trance rituals, and affect studies with supporting areas of consciousness studies and the Medical Humanities. Her doctoral thesis was the first research to document the musical repertoire, practice, and history of Algerian diwan, a nocturnal trance ritual of the Bilaliyya Sufi Order. Analytically, Tamara’s work investigates the critical role of musically cultivated emotions and affects in ritual as they pertain to consciousness and suffering.
Tzanetou Vasia is a psychological anthropologist at Society of Social Psychiatry and Mental Health and Adult educator. She is interested in the Biopsychosocial Therapy Approach , Neuroanthropology and Education. Her work focuses on developing and implementing interventions to improve the psychological wellbeing and resilience in vulnerable populations.